One Year of Letterbook

First, let me wish a happy birthday 🎂 to this toot. As much as any single thing can be, this is where Letterbook began. From the start, this was a project with an ambitious scope. It's been slower than I wanted, but it's starting to come together as usable app.

By jenniferplusplus

Starting the Letterbook Project

Like a lot of other people, I joined the fediverse at the end of 2022. I had primarily used Twitter until that point. There were always a lot of tradeoffs involved in the choice to use Twitter, but thanks to Musk they ceased to be worthwhile. There are likewise tradeoffs in making my home on the fediverse. It's far from perfect. But of all the options, I believe the fediverse has the most upside, and by far the most future potential. That potential exists mainly in the more democratized nature of the network. Anyone can, in theory, run their own server and set their own terms for engaging with the rest of the fediverse. Letterbook is one such server. I started it recently as an attempt to bring that theory closer to practice.